Circles and Stones (update 2, excerpt)
After a detour to work on a website, I have returned to writing Circles and Stones, the third novel in my ongoing Sanyel series. I am...
Circles and Stones (update)
I am nine chapters into writing Circles and Stones, the third novel in my Sanyel series. My writing has slowed due to working on another...
Circles and Stones
For anyone interested in my progress on the third book in my Sanyel series, I am currently six chapters into writing the first draft. I...
For the birds
Years ago, on a late fall day, I spotted a blue jay at our dog’s food bowl eagerly grabbing pellets from the dish. It would leave and...
Warning! Read this post only if you have nothing better to do. (excerpts from Sanyel and Disrupter)
Sometimes, you simply don’t know what to write about in your blog, and wind up writing about subjects that interest no one. I am...
Thoughts on Mercury retrograde
So, let’s talk about Mercury retrograde. What is Mercury retrograde, you ask? Astronomically speaking, it is the three or four times a...
To sleep, perchance to dream...
Since adolescence, I have been on a spiritual journey, seeking to find the purpose and meaning of my life. We are all on that journey, of...